BELGIUM: Minister of Justice Bans Electronic Cigarette in Prison
BELGIUM: Minister of Justice Bans Electronic Cigarette in Prison

BELGIUM: Minister of Justice Bans Electronic Cigarette in Prison

While the electronic cigarette is a real tool for risk reduction, Koen Geens (CD&V), the Minister of Justice has decided to ban it in prison. A real incomprehension for the detainees and the families of detainees ...


There will be no electronic cigarettes for inmates in Belgian prisons! Koen Geens, Minister of Justice has decided to close the door to this possibility for security reasons.

For the detainees, it is the most total incomprehension! Some people are surprised that the Louvain prison refuses the electronic cigarette even though it appears on the list of products that can be purchased by women prisoners at Lantin, admittedly in limited detention. If the minister was questioned on the subject the door will remain, according to him, permanently closed for two reasons.

First of all, Koen Geens considers that electronic cigarette chargers can also be used to charge smartphones which in plain text represents a security risk. In addition, according to the Minister of Justice, public health does not recognize the electronic cigarette as a real means of smoking cessation.

Too bad for the health of the detainees, they will unfortunately have to keep the cigarette in their mouths while the electronic cigarette is today the most effective way to quit tobacco addiction.

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Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.