TOBACCO: For Professor Dautzenberg, the increase in the price of cigarettes is a good lever.

TOBACCO: For Professor Dautzenberg, the increase in the price of cigarettes is a good lever.

Professor Bertrand Dautzenberg, pulmonologist and deputy secretary general of the Alliance against tobacco, reacted to Edouard Philippe's announcement on Tuesday evening on Europe 1.


This is one of the concrete measures announced by Edouard Philippe during his general policy speech, Tuesday before the National Assembly: the gradual increase in the price of a packet of cigarettes to ten euros. Guest Europe hurttTuesday night, the teacher Bertrand Dautzenberg, pulmonologist at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital and tobacco specialist, welcomed this measure, deeming it heavy with political symbols.

« It is a very good thing that the Prime Minister is taking it on his own, because for a long time the ministers of health have been trying to raise the prices of tobacco, which is an effective method of combating smoking, and that is blocked by Bercy or the Prime Minister and the Elysée“, Considers the expert. " There, it is no longer blocked, it means that we put health in number one and the tobacco lobbies in number two. It's an order that suits me perfectly. »

« It will be done gradually, you have to do it in three times for example“, Continues Bertrand Dautzenberg. " We know that an increase of 14% will reduce consumption by between 7 and 12%. It works steadily, the WHO published it, there are hundreds of studies in there in all countries of the world. »Efficiency that applies to all populations? " Especially among hesitant smokers and novice smokers“, Recognizes the doctor. " A smoker who is completely addicted to nicotine, anyway, whatever the price, he would buy it, and otherwise he would rob the bank to have the money to do it ...« 

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Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.