A BILLION LIVES: A movie for the truth about the e-cigarette!

A BILLION LIVES: A movie for the truth about the e-cigarette!

When the filmmaker Aaron Biebert realized that electronic cigarettes had the potential to save lives, he was elated. But then he soon realized that Big Pharma as well as the media were spreading a lot of lies in order to ruin the e-cigarette industry before it reached its maximum potential. This is why he made the decision to shoot a new documentary entitled " A Billion lives "(A billion lives). This week, Aaron was with VapeBeat in order to talk about his new film and to discuss how to protect the freedom of the vape in the world.

Aaron said he decided to create " A Billion lives After realizing that some false scientific studies were spreading faster than the truth about e-cigarettes. " When the New England Journal of Medicine published this study showing that e-cigarette vapor contained more formaldehyde than regular cigarettes, I decided it was time " he said. " I have friends who have quit smoking thanks to vaping and I'm worried to see studies that say e-cigarettes are worse". " After talking about it with a vaper, he showed me that the study could be easily disproved by the fact that his set was built on liquid overheating created from scratch. The entire study was a sham. »

11535796_979812818719672_9197030942594245661_nNot only was this study unreliable, it also hurt vaping. There are many more and the public rarely searches when they hear these kinds of lies. He tends to believe everything he hears in the news and vaping has quickly developed a bad reputation that it does not deserve.

To make matters worse, it is estimated that one billion people will die this century from causes related to smoking. Why don't scientists adopt the e-cigarette when it is a real promise and a way to avoid these deaths?

For Aaron, " There is a story there that needs to be told ". Thanks to his next film, Aaron hopes to open up new debates and ultimately that the truth about e-cigarettes will be known. " I want the film to be used as a way to start debates and discussions. You know, there is so much animosity between the anti-vapers and the defenders of it. This will allow politicians and leaders to step out of the fray and focus on the real facts. The media run periodically, but focus on negative stories that are often wrong. For Aaron the film will be able to provide information that audiences desperately need right now.

Interestingly, Aaron himself is neither a smoker nor a vaper so he tried to gain a better understanding of what vaping is all about. " Personally, I am not against smoking or vape. I think people need all the information and should make their own choices accordingly »

A large number of advocates of vaping believe that " Big Tobacco Is enemy number 1 for e-cigarette companies, but Aaron isn't so sure. " I'm not a Big Tobacco fan, but I don't think he11249559_970447259656228_6726043425025469090_n be the biggest enemy of the vape »He confided. " They just want to make money and that's something they can be trusted. They are starting to do this by selling e-cigarettes recently. At the World Nicotine Forum, I found myself sitting with the vice president of a large tobacco company. He told me that they would like to steer their businesses towards e-cigarettes as much as possible. According to him, there is more money to be made with the e-cigarette  »

If Big Tobacco is not the main problem, who is behind all of the e-cigarette myths we hear all the time? For Aaron, it is obvious " The bigger problem is the darker forces of corruption. Big Pharma, The media, The anti-capitalists, The jurists, and all the governments who are all addicted to money and sacrifice their essential missions in the pursuit of it "

There are so many things currently playing in the world of vaping that we should not forget the most important:  The truth. Because currently regulations take precedence over all information. For Aaron, these prohibitions will backfire on lawmakers: " Wherever vaping has become popular, there will most likely be a vibrant black market after a ban. Wherever a ban on vaping is put in place, the number of smokers who succumb to tobacco will increase. »

On the other hand, Aaron thinks that regulating e-cigarettes is an important thing: “ Controlled regulation would probably be good. I would like to know what my body is absorbing and labeling requirements are always helpful. I also think that the vape should remain exclusively reserved for adults "

« A Billion Lives Will be released at the start of 2016. The film will also be available on DVD and Blu-ray thereafter.

Source : Churnmag  - The official "A billion lives" website (Translation by Vapoteurs.net)

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About the Author

Editor-in-chief of Vapoteurs.net, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.