AIDUCE: Let's fight against misinformation!

AIDUCE: Let's fight against misinformation!

AIDUCE press release :

For too long a press for sensationalism has been putting alarmist articles on the substances produced by resistances or wicks that are allowed to burn, while stifling under a deafening silence all the studies demonstrating the very low harmfulness of the electronic cigarette. Meanwhile, public authorities that have failed rational arguments, have come to geste "To justify a progressive policy of restricting the use of the vape, thus cultivating the fears and fantasies of a population more and more deliberately uninformed on this theme.

At one point or another, you have all been confronted with remarks and questions, even from educated and open-minded people who are still more likely to seriously ask themselves today if the e-cigarette would be no, whatever you say, dangerous, harmful and vector of poisoning for those around you! Disinformation has dug its insidious furrow into the public perception of the vape ... and, more and more now, vapers!

It is time to respond to these attacks and restore the truth of the facts. To do this, we unfortunately do not have the communication capabilities or the audience of major newspapers or TV channels. We have for us only our number, our experience and our determination. It's not much ... but it's huge.

As the most important battles are waged today to block the transcription of the European Directive on tobacco products relating to vaping, it is more than ever time to make our voices heard and to challenge our friends, our neighbors… In the name of some sort of morality and the maintenance of irrational fears, our country is preparing to hinder what could yet prove to be one of the best tools for reducing health risks produced in recent decades.

If this approach can unfortunately not convince everyone, at least give everyone the chance to think and consider with a less suspicious eye this tool that we seek to load so many problems.


We invite you to download, by clicking on the attached link, the document " The truth about the electronic cigarette », Print it out and distribute it to your contacts, friends, family or favorite stores ... and simply drop it in mailboxes to educate as many people as possible about the untruths that develop around vaping.

Thank you already for your involvement, your support, your help, and your participation in this citizen communication campaign.

Download link on the Aiduce website :…/j%27inf…/jinforme_mes_voisins.pdf

SourceEvent Aiduce Facebook

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About the Author

CEO of Vapelier OLF but also editor for, it is with pleasure that I leave my pen to share with you the news of the vape.