CULTURE: “One Leaves”, The FDA's Video Game That Fight Against Smoking!

CULTURE: “One Leaves”, The FDA's Video Game That Fight Against Smoking!

A video game, an ultimate test! With " One Leaves »No doubt, we will have to survive a terrible scourge: smoking. Available for free on the Xbox One console and on PC (Windows 10), One Leaves is arguably the most surprising initiative by the US Health Authority (FDA) to fight smoking.


Imagined by the FDA, the American health authority, One Leaves is a video game that targets potential smokers by showing them the dangers of tobacco, the risks they face. The players are in a kind of hangar with several other people. Only 1 character on 4 can get out of there unscathed. A figure related to US statistics. The 3 / 4 students who start smoking in the United States continue when they are adults.

This game can reach a multitude of young players. The atmosphere is rather raw, even violent ... The idea is to spare nothing to those who might be tempted by smoking, while the proportion of teenagers smokers is increasingly important. Players in One Leaves will see their bodies degrade little by little, whether it's in the vision or the lungs.

Repeating the codes of the "Survival horror", this game will not level with a resident evil or Silent Hill but still offers an agonizing interactive experience to the sauce Saw". According to the FDA press release “ This new initiative targets 12 youth to 17 years, whether they are attracted to smoking or have already started smoking. This target often plays video games, it should allow these teenagers to see the serious and addictive consequences of tobacco. »


So useful or not? Difficult, for now, to judge its future effectiveness. However, the game produced by Oath and developed by Wahoo Studios is completely free everyone can get their own idea by trying the experience!

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Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.