DOSSIER: All about the relationship of CBD with the electronic cigarette.

DOSSIER: All about the relationship of CBD with the electronic cigarette.

For months now, a component has been invited to the electronic cigarette market: CBD or Cannabidiol. Often criticized by the media, this product found in cannabis is a real hit in vaping shops. What is CBD ? Should we fear or appreciate this component ? How is it used ? So many questions that we are going to deal with in this file so that you become unbeatable on the subject!


Le cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid found in cannabis. It is the second most studied cannabinoid after THC. More precisely, cannabidiol is part of the phytocannabinoids which means that the substance is naturally present in the plant.  

While it has shown sedative effects in animals, other research also shows that CBD increases alertness. It may decrease the rate of elimination of THC in the body by interfering with its metabolism in the liver. Cannabidiol is a very lipophilic product and is found in breast milk. It would also have an effect on the nicotine receptors and would play a role in stopping and weaning from tobacco.

Medically, it is used to treat seizures, inflammation, anxiety, and nausea, as well as to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Recent studies have shown that it would be effective in the treatment of schizophrenia, that it could also relieve the symptoms of dystonia. Research is underway as a treatment for epilepsy.


Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the main cannabinoids, was isolated in 1940 by Adams and his colleagues, but its structure and stereochemistry were determined in 1963 by Mechoulam and Shvo. CBD exerts a plethora of pharmacological effects, mediated by multiple mechanisms. It has been clinically evaluated in the treatment of anxiety, psychosis and movement disorders (epilepsy…), and to relieve neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis.

Since more than 10 years, cannabidiol is an integral part of medical research on cannabis.


In a few months, the legal framework changed for cannabidiol (or CBD). Indeed, a recent decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union underlined the merits of the commercialization of the molecule, which cannot be considered as a narcotic and which does not " no psychotropic effect or harmful effect on human health ».

In France, products containing CBD can therefore be marketed and used, but under certain conditions ... They must first of all come from varieties of cannabis plants with a very low THC content (less than 0,2%) and included on a restrictive list established by the health authorities, THC no longer appearing in the finished product. In addition, the cannabidiols extracted must come from very specific parts of the plant, namely the seeds and fibers.

Note that in Switzerland, CBD cannabis can be sold legally as long as it contains less than 1% THC. 


We come to the part that probably interests you the most! Why offer cannabidiol e-liquid? As we mentioned just above, contrary to what some people might think, CBD is not really new! Already offered in medicinal, oil or plant form (on legal sale in Switzerland for example) it seemed interesting to pair it with the electronic cigarette.

Indeed, unlike THC, cannabidiol is not a psychoactive substance. By using it, you will not have a "high" effect or hallucination or cold sweats. Finally, cannibidiol is to cannabis what nicotine is to tobacco. By using the electronic cigarette, you only use nicotine without the unwanted effects of tobacco combustion, and for CBD, the principle is the same, ie only keep the "beneficial" effects.

Concretely, the use of CBD in an electronic cigarette can have several interests

  • Trying to cut down or stop using cannabis
  • An anti-stress, relax and unwind
  • For pleasure for a recreational practice.

Keep in mind that e-cigarettes are a risk-reduction tool that works for smokers, but can work equally well for cannabis users and people with medical conditions.


As we have just said, if you are looking for thrills, it is clearly not the CBD that will be able to give you them. 

To understand the principle, we must know that our body and our brain are endowed with a whole panoply of receptors that react to cannabinoids (with very low affinity for CB1 and CB2 receptors). In fact, these receptors, already present in our bodies, form what we call in scientific jargon "the endocannabinoid system". If it is important to emphasize this first point, it is that the cannabinoids act on areas that are already biologically able to receive stimuli of this type unlike other substances that interact with biological functions poor.

Concretely, the consumption of Cannabidiol (CBD) can bring you several effects :  

  • An increase in the level of anandamide, one of the main molecules in the feeling of well-being after sport. Consumption of dark chocolate is also known to cause anandamide creation.
  • It also has an antipsychotic effect (hence its interest in the treatment of schizophrenia and epilepsy.)
  • An anxiolytic effect to combat stress, anxiety or certain forms of depression. 
  • It also acts as a mild pain reliever and may help with pain.
  • The consumption of CBD could relieve nausea, migraines or inflammations
  • It helps to sleep (it does not fall asleep but helps fight insomnia)

It remains important to specify that while CBD has many therapeutic applications, some are being researched. Currently, research is still underway on the use of CBD against cancer or on Dravet syndrome and epilepsy. It is worth noting that the'Australia for example has started to recognize its use for the treatment of epilepsy.


First of all, the basic principle, if you want to vape cannabidiol, you will obviously need an electronic cigarette and a CBD e-liquid. It is important to know that most CBD e-liquids are made from crystals and not from CBD oil which is still intended for oral use. In general, you will need to ask questions and educate yourself before purchasing a product that may not be of quality or intended for inhalation by spray. 

Regarding the dosages, just like with nicotine there is no miracle recipe, it will depend on the type of material used and your motivations. Clearly, you will not use the same dosage with powerful equipment and a sub-ohm resistance as with a small beginner kit. The important thing to know is that it will be up to you to adapt your consumption and especially your dosage according to your motivation.

Cannabidiol (CBD) does not have the same properties as nicotine, it will not be used in the same way. The effects of this molecule take a while to work, and it will be quite unnecessary to vape CBD just to try once. 

Overall, the consumption of CBD with an e-cigarette will be done in small sessions or will be spread over the entire day. Those who wish to reduce cannabis use will do small vaping sessions of around 20 to 30 minutes while those seeking relaxation will consume CBD throughout the day. 

Regarding the dosage, there are several and it is not necessarily easy to navigate for a novice in the field:

  • The low dosages (<150 mg per 10ml or 15 mg / ml vial) are suitable for all types of use and the effects remain fairly mild. 
  • The average dosages (between 150 and 300 mg per vial of 10 ml) have more marked effects. It is recommended to go there gradually and step by step. We stay on at his own pace for about fifteen minutes, then we take a break. It is best to stop a little before you reach the desired effect.
  • The high dosages (between 300 and 500 mg per vial of 10 ml) appear to be recreational use. It is not useful to vapote them along the length.
  • The very high dosages (from 500 mg per 10 ml vial) are only intended for dilution! If you consume them without diluting them your main receptors will saturate quickly.

There are also CBD boosters dosed between 500 mg and 1000 mg which are intended to be diluted. This may be of definite interest to those who wish to prepare their e-liquids at CBD at home. 


In the space of a few months, cannabidiol (CBD) e-liquids have arrived in most electronic cigarette stores. Be aware, however, that some professionals refuse to sell it by choice or because of the bad image that it can convey. The best way to get it is on the Internet, although it will obviously be necessary to remain cautious and not give in to too tempting offers. 

Indeed, cannabidiol e-liquids (CBD) are not quite the same price as nicotine e-liquids :

  • count $20 about for an e-liquid of 10 ml containing 100 mg of CBD (10 mg / ml)
    - Count $45 about for an e-liquid of 10 ml containing 300 mg of CBD (30 mg / ml)
    - Count $75 about for an e-liquid of 10 ml containing 500 mg of CBD (50 mg / ml)

For boosters

  • count $35 about for an 10ml booster containing 300 mg of CBD 
    - Count 5$5 about for an 10ml booster containing 500 mg of CBD 
    - Count 100 euros about for an 10ml booster containing 1000 mg of CBD 



CBD e-liquids arrived very quickly on the vaping market and we know that many professionals offer these products without having any knowledge on the subject. Professional friends, do not hesitate to ask for information, data sheets and advice before selling CBD e-liquids to your customers. 


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About the Author

Having a training in communication specialist, I take care on the one hand social networks Vapelier OLF but I am also editor for