UNITED STATES: Pennsylvania wants to ban sale of e-cigarettes to minors

UNITED STATES: Pennsylvania wants to ban sale of e-cigarettes to minors

Despite the launch of a huge communication campaign, the “Juul” e-cigarette continues to make waves. In response to this wave, the State of Pennsylvania is preparing to ban the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors. 


The Pennsylvania House of Representatives recently unanimously passed a law that would make the state one of the last to ban the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.

House Bill 2226 provides for adding nicotine-based products to the list of tobacco products already prohibited for sale to minors. The penalties for violators would be the same as for selling cigarettes and other tobacco products to young audiences.

The republican representative Kathy Rapp said his bill would also ban the notorious "Juul" that is popular with young people for sale. 

In a statement she states " The rapprochement between "Juuling" and adolescents raises serious health problems Adding " The product can be placed in a computer's USB port, which makes it even easier for young people to hide. »

This bill would only affect minors, so it will still be legal to sell electronic cigarettes to adults. The measure is pending in the State Senate and will likely be validated within a few days. 

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About the Author

Passionate about journalism, I decided to join the editorial team of Vapoteurs.net in 2017 in order to mainly deal with vape news in North America (Canada, United States).