UNITED STATES: Vape advocates rally against the ban on e-cigarette flavors.

UNITED STATES: Vape advocates rally against the ban on e-cigarette flavors.

In the United States, in the hope of obtaining a removal of the proposed New York State ban on flavored e-cigarettes, vaping advocates gathered a few days ago in front of the Albany County Courthouse with a clear message: " The vape saves lives"

Photo: Lori Van Buren, Albany Times Union


The New York State Vapor Association“Former smokers and a few owners of vape shops spoke at a press conference and public hearing, insisting that vape helps smokers to end tobacco. According to them, the disappearance of e-cigarette flavors on the market risks destroying the effectiveness of vaping and therefore its usefulness.

« Our main cause is helping people not to smoke" , said Vic Canastraro, executive director of the Coalition for a Tobacco Free America. " One in two people die after using tobacco products. Vape is more effective than other tobacco replacement products in helping people to quit smoking »

Vic Canastraro stood behind a crowd outside the courthouse with vape advocates holding up signs saying "  We vote!","Fight for aromas!" and "Aromas save lives».

But as the public hearing revealed, not everyone thinks this is the case. Some complain that flavors like cinnamon or vanilla can appeal to teens.

Julie Hart, director of government relations at the American Cancer Society, said the proposed bill should go ahead.

« We found a slight decrease in the smoking rate among adults in our state“Hart said. " But what we have seen is mostly that 27% of high school students in New York State use e-cigarettes. It's not surprising when we have flavors like unicorn “poo”. These are not sold to adults. They are intended for children to attract them to the product. »

Most of the 50 speakers present at the hearing said they would never have been able to quit if they hadn't had e-cigarettes with flavored e-liquids. Others say their small businesses would suffer without the aromas, and that the Albany County e-liquid flavoring ban would simply send vapers to neighboring counties or online.

Gregory Conley, president ofAmerican Vaping Association, said that his organization was also concerned about the vaping of young people. " We… want to be part of the solution, but punishing adults is not the solution“, He declared to the council.

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About the Author

Passionate about journalism, I decided to join the editorial team of Vapoteurs.net in 2017 in order to mainly deal with vape news in North America (Canada, United States).