STUDY: Vaping more effective than nicotine patches during pregnancy

STUDY: Vaping more effective than nicotine patches during pregnancy

If the effectiveness of the vape is still unclear for a good number of citizens and health specialists, it is not the studies that are lacking. A new study published in Nature Medicine reveals that pregnant women who are tobacco users are more likely to quit smoking when they use vaping rather than nicotine patches.



This new study of Pr Peter Hajek and Dr. Francesca Pesola is very good news for the vape. According to the researchers of this study, Electronic cigarettes versus nicotine patches for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial", it is important to note that thehe patches have limited efficacy in this population » and that it is nevertheless essential to stop smoking during pregnancy because it reduces the risk of a host of harmful complications for the health of the parents and the baby.

This randomized controlled trial began in 2019, recruiting 1 pregnant women from 140 hospitals across the UK. Participants had a median age of 24, smoked an average of 27 cigarettes a day, and were an average of 10 weeks pregnant. The study compared vaping a rechargeable vaping device to wearing nicotine replacement therapy patches.

«  Using an e-cigarette poses no more risk than nicotine patches, which are both better options than continuing to smoke throughout pregnancy. « 

The 344 participants of the “vape” team chose e-liquids with a higher nicotine content (11–20 mg / ml) with tobacco and fruit flavors. Nicotine is metabolized faster during pregnancy, so it is essential that people get the right amount of nicotine if they don't want to start smoking again. But interestingly, the study found that 244 participants significantly reduced the concentration of nicotine in their e-liquids over time.

In conclusion, at the end of their pregnancy, 10,7% of women who vaped were abstinent from cigarettes, compared to 5,6% of those who used nicotine patches.

« Many pregnant smokers find it difficult to quit with current quit smoking medications, including nicotine patches, and continue to smoke throughout pregnancy."Said the Dr. Francesca Pesola, author of the new study. » Using an e-cigarette poses no more risk to mother or baby than nicotine patches, both of which are better options than continuing to smoke throughout pregnancy.« .

The study had some limitations, including the inability to validate abstinence from smoking via saliva samples in all participants, which could only be done in about half of the cases.

« The need is made even more urgent by the fact that the link between smoking and socio-economic disadvantage is particularly strong among pregnant women..".

In the UK, where policies have long been much more favorable to vaping than in the US, the National Health Service gives the following advice:  » If using an e-cigarette helps you quit smoking, it's much safer for you and your baby. than to continue smoking. « 


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Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.