FIVAPE: World No Tobacco Day, the vape continues to grow!

FIVAPE: World No Tobacco Day, the vape continues to grow!

In an official statement released today, the FIVAPE (Fédération Interprofessionnel de la vape) claims that the vape continues to grow in France, for the benefit of public health.


Paris, Wednesday 31 May 2017

Away from speeches timid or disconnected from the reality of the field, the Fivape says that the vape continues to advance in France, and for the benefit of public health. On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day 2017 [1], the Fivape considers the personal vaporizer is the best weapon to fight smoking, the leading cause of preventable death in France and responsible for the deaths of 78 000 people each year.

In recent survey of vaping [2], the Que Choisir association indicates that 82% of respondents have completely stopped their smoking thanks to vape, and that stopping smoking was easy in the vast majority of situations. Throughout France, testimonies are increasing, coming from former smokers, support networks of vapers and health professionals: promoted intelligently and responsibly, vaping works effectively against tobacco, as an alternative infinitely less dangerous.

For smokers who have not yet succeeded in completely quitting smoking with the vape or are in a situation of failure, despite an often strong desire to quit, hope remains and these smokers must be encouraged in their process of quitting smoking. Becoming a vaper is not always obvious for some smokers: in addition to safe and quality materials and e-liquids, listening, expertise and advice on the long term, from all stakeholders , are essential.

In this context, the latest figures of smoking prevalence in France [3] - among or otherwise the worst in Europe - as well as the orientations of public policies to fight against tobacco, must challenge the new President of the Republic and the Minister of Solidarities and Health. Rather than suffer misinformation or unjustified hindrances to its development, the vape must be understood as a historic opportunity to end the hecatomb of smoking and its more than 200 dead daily.

The personal vaporizer, the spearhead of reducing the risks of smoking, has become the number 1 tool for stopping smoking in France. Every day, vaping professionals and thousands of specialized stores support smokers towards the final cessation of their tobacco consumption: the next studies will confirm that vaping has not only already enabled 1 million French people to completely stop smoking. to smoke [4]but this fundamental movement is just beginning.


[1] World Health Organization, "Overcoming Tobacco to Improve Health, Prosperity, the Environment and National Development", May 2017
[2] "You and the Electronic Cigarette", What to Choose, May 2017
[3] BEH - Weekly epidemiological bulletin, n ° 12, May 30, 2017
[4] Electronic cigarette use in the European Union: Review of 27 460 Europeans from 28 countries, Review Addictions, November 2016

To learn more about FIVAPE, go to the official website or on the page Official facebook.


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About the Author

Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.