You've probably been able to read since last night articles whose title is touted and devastating " The electronic cigarette may be 5 at 15 times more carcinogenic than tobacco". Obviously like the Japanese study, conclusions have been proposed to spread fear and confusion through biased studies on formaldehyde.

But unlike the last scandal that affected vaping and its wave of disinformation, we were able to anticipate and react accordingly. The University of Portland study in the United States, conducted by the chemists Peyton and Pankow is used and will be used by all the media to create a bad buzz on the e-cigarette and it is up to us to put in place our defenses against this new wave of disinformation.

The study in question came out on " The new england journal of medicine", To respond to these attacks, you can distribute our article or that of" The AIDUCE Which had anticipated the exit of the study. Do not hesitate to consult thearticle by Clive Bates « Spreading fear and confusion through biased studies on formaldehyde As well as Dr. Farsalinos' response on E-cigarette Research.

The important thing is to broadcast everywhere, to respond to media articles that follow AFP information like sheep and not to let this wave of disinformation take place!

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About the Author

Co-founder of in 2014, I am since editor and official photographer. I am passionate about vape but also comics and video games.