HEALTH: The incomprehension of the world of vaping in the fight against tobacco

HEALTH: The incomprehension of the world of vaping in the fight against tobacco

In a recent press release, France Vapotage points out the incomprehension and disappointment of vaping manufacturers regarding the place of vaping in the fight against tobacco. 



Place of vaping in the fight against tobacco: vaping manufacturers between incomprehension and disappointment.

The National Tobacco Control Program 2024-2027 presented this morning also deals with vaping, but through a contradiction, considering it first and foremost as a threat and not a historic opportunity. France Vapotage deeply regrets the Government's refusal to recognize the proven role of vaping in the fight against tobacco.

No, we will not win the fight against smoking without vaping

In France, the fight against smoking is stalling: smoking prevalence, at 31,9% in 2022, has even increased compared to 2019 (30,4%).

Quitting smoking is indeed a difficult personal process. Certainly, to help smokers looking for a solution, a range of tools exists. The Minister of Health and Prevention has also announced the strengthening of accessibility to nicotine replacement treatments reimbursed by Social Security.

But what is the most used and most effective tool to quit smoking? E-cigarette ! This is what Santé Publique France affirmed in 20191. This is also what the High Council of Public Health noted, highlighting a “link between vaping and a reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked in France”. The scientific studies journal COCHRANE, an independent international organization, has even indicated on several occasions “ that there is evidence to suggest that e-cigarettes with nicotine increase smoking cessation rates compared to nicotine replacement therapies. ».

While 60% of adult smokers would consider quitting smoking in the coming months thanks to electronic cigarettes, France Vapotage regrets that France refuses to recognize, and take inspiration from, the successes recorded by other countries such as the Kingdom. -United, which proactively relied on vaping and whose smoking prevalence is now half as high as that of France.

Making vaping the scapegoat for the failure of the fight against tobacco: easy but unfair

The Program presented today responds to a major concern shared by France Vapotage member companies: protecting minors and non-smokers. Vaping is aimed exclusively at adult smokers looking for a solution. For this reason, the sale of vaping products to minors is, legitimately, strictly prohibited, as are marketing approaches designed to target them. If we understand the health and environmental motivations which will lead to the upcoming ban on Puff, France Vapotage has been calling for several years on public authorities to first ensure compliance with the law, and welcomes the desire expressed by the Minister of Health and Prevention to strengthen actions in this direction.

However, the State maintains the confusions which dissuade smokers from turning to vaping and is even preparing to treat vaping like tobacco, to put a solution on the same level as the scourge to which it responds. (surcharge, neutral packaging, limitation of flavors, etc.).

It also does this by amalgamating vaping tools that have existed on the market for more than 10 years with single-use disposable products targeting minors. Or even speaking of “tobacco products including vaping”, even though electronic cigarettes do not contain tobacco, the combustion of which is the main carcinogenic element.
To justify its distrust, the State takes refuge behind a potential “bridge effect” from vaping to tobacco, particularly among young people. Yet, the only massive gateway effect demonstrated is that of tobacco towards vaping, and not the other way around! All available studies confirm this: the more than 3 million vapers are the vast majority of adult smokers or ex-smokers, the electronic cigarette being mainly used for the purpose of cessation, substitution or reduction of tobacco consumption.

Consultation, a key factor in collective success

France Vapotage notes with satisfaction the Minister's desire to work with all stakeholders. Since its creation, our federation has called for such a dialogue which would have made it possible to raise issues much further upstream and to consider solutions and even measure their effects.
Listening to the stakeholders concerned is the sine qua non condition for understanding vaping and finally giving it the regulatory framework it should have, to ensure, well beyond the sole question of Puffs, the strict control of all liquids. sold in France and support the necessary progress that the sector must make in terms of eco-responsibility.

We are therefore impatiently awaiting the invitation from the ministry to work in real consultation.

To find out more about France Vapotage, do not hesitate to go to their official website

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About the Author

Having a training in communication specialist, I take care on the one hand social networks Vapelier OLF but I am also editor for