BATCH INFO: Box "The Radius" (Provape)

BATCH INFO: Box "The Radius" (Provape)

If you thought the giant ProVape was on the decline and well you were wrong! The American company precursor in the field of high-end electronic mods with " the Provari »Has launched into the fashion of the moment, ie the creation of boxes! And the model that "Provape" promises us which bears the name " The Radius ”Should probably see the light of day in the coming weeks. Currently we have little information and Provape has already announced that more details will be provided on their official website. Next Tuesday (the 13 October 2015). While waiting to have all the information that we will send you of course, here is the video presentation of the Radius As well as some photos.

10940637_10153674126368699_6000929871416487100_n 12049211_10153674126763699_283816503998979990_n radius1

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Editor and correspondent Switzerland. Vapoteuse for many years, I take care mainly of Swiss news.