INITIATIVE: The Vape Lobby Challenge

INITIATIVE: The Vape Lobby Challenge

In recent months, many initiatives have followed one another to defend free vaping against the various regulations in progress. Today, we highlight the initiative of Read on facebook that offers the " Vape Lobby Challenge"



The Vape Lobbying Challenge consists of posting on the dedicated facebook page his photo with the poster "I am a powerful lobbyist of the VAPE" (or its translation) in response to our elected officials who think that we are at the service of this or that industrial lobby. You can also post your photos on twitter with the hashtag #vapeFr and tag @vaptiviste as well as some personalities like @micheledelaunay @MarisolTouraine @FranceSANStabac etc.

Source : Vape Lobby Challenge page (Photo credit cover : Patrice Patho Brugger)


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About the Author

A real passionate vape for many years, I joined the editorial team from its creation. Today I am mainly involved in journals, tutorials and job offers.