INNCO: Birth of the world's first network of vaping advocates.

INNCO: Birth of the world's first network of vaping advocates.

This Monday was launched the International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organizations, a global network for the defense of vapers which claims to represent 20 million ex-smokers.

To make themselves heard better, vapers are organizing themselves globally! The International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organizations (INNCO), a global advocacy network for vapers, was launched on Monday. He claims to represent over 20 million former smokers around the world.

More specifically, it is a new alliance of associations of consumers of reduced risk nicotine products. And its objectives are clear: these activists seek an audience with regulatory bodies. " Reduced risk nicotine products save lives. It's time for the World Health Organization (WHO) to accept human rights and support informed choices for better health They write in a statement.

innco-logo-with-straplineTHE OBJECTIVES OF INNCO

Made up of the main vaping organizations from more than fifteen countries, the association also aims to facilitate smokers' access to safer alternatives to tobacco cigarettes. To achieve this, one of the priorities of the INNCO is to obtain the end of the ban, the disproportionate regulation, and the punitive taxation of e-cigarettes. A specific point on which she wrote on October 2 to Margaret Chan, President of the WHO, without success.

To drive home the point, INNCO points out that smoking-related diseases kill around six million people each year. And according to her, only the electronic cigarette can change the game. " Public Health England and the Royal College of English Doctors consider unlikely to exceed 5% risk of tobacco cigarettes "She recalls.

The Network Development Director is Judy Gibson from the UK, a seasoned advocate for consumer rights. "INNCO intends to be the vanguard of a global revolution in risk reduction,"She said. "We are a channel for the world's most influential nicotine consumer advocacy organizations, but we also represent disenfranchised users; those who face the risk of lawsuits simply because they have made an informed choice to stop deadly smoke inhalation and have moved to a safer alternative"

Ms. Gibson adds, "More than 20 million people are estimated to use reduced risk nicotine products - and INNCO is committed to making sure their voices are heard. “Nothing for us without us” - now is the time to open the dialogue. »


The International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organizations (INNCO) therefore brings together 18 different associations including: ACVODA, AIDUCE, ANESVAP, ASOVAP, AVCA, CASAA, DADAFO, IG-ED, HELVETIC VAPE, NNA AU, UK NNA, NOT BLOWING SMOKE, SOVAPE, THRA, VAPERSINPOWER, VAPER HU, FINLAND VAPERS, VAPERS.ORG.UK


For these former smokers, the next important meeting to be heard is already fixed, it is the seventh Conference of the Parties (COP7) of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) of the WHO. It will take place in India in Delhi next month and INNCO estimates that “ it is likely that the organization will seek to entrench its prohibitionist position ". The CoP7 agenda contains, it is true, several proposals which, if adopted, would make it even more difficult for current users and smokers to access e-cigarettes, or their use in public places.

Source : Pourquoidocteur / Official press release from INNCO

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Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.