Interview - The Artist Collection: Vaponaute makes a breakthrough in the USA!

Interview - The Artist Collection: Vaponaute makes a breakthrough in the USA!

Randy from POET, Daniel Flavorz, George of Mr. Good Vape, Jeremy from Good life Vapor and Anne Claire of Vaponaute. Do these names remind you of something?

Njoy, a major American brand and one of the leaders in the fight against Big Tobacco in the USA, has decided to create a new line of “high end” e-liquids called: “ The artist Collection"

5 liquids

« The Artist Collection is an exclusive new line of liquids designed by five of the greatest artists in the vaporizer industry in partnership with NJOY. As a leader in the fight against the tobacco giants, NJOY has teamed up with some of the world's best flavor artists to deliver five exceptional taste experiences. The Artist Collection will be available in American Vape stores from late November 2014. Njoy said on their website:

Njoy presents us the different liquids with a magnificent video spot, in a subtle way, each creator presents us his liquid. Clearly this makes us want to know more and taste them. (Video below)

The good surprise in the announcement of Njoy, it is the presence of a French brand among the big American names, " Vaponaute“, Represented by Anne-Claire who has succeeded and is on the way to impose itself in a market where it is difficult to find its place. Obviously we wanted to know more about the presence of "Vaponaute" in the development of this project. We contacted Anne-Claire for an exclusive interview:

- Hello, can you introduce yourself to those who don't know who you are?

I am Anne Claire, I am the creator of the Vaponaute e-liquids, I am the one who develops the flavors for the Vaponaute brand. I am also the founder with Léopold.

The Njoy brand is going to release a “The artist collection” range which brings together 5 major e-liquid brands, how did the meeting with Njoy go?

So it was they who contacted us about 6 months ago. At the time, we went to the United States to start launching our brand there. As we are currently doing with Vaperev. We visited several stores and there was very good feedback and a good response to the products we offered. It was Njoy who came directly to us, to suggest that we collaborate on this film through Daniel from "Flavorz".

Have you met the other brands in the Mr good vape range etc…?

Yes, we had the first opportunity to meet most of the other brands including Randy de POET and also the Mister good vape team at the ECC (Electronic Cigarette Convention) show in the United States and then there At two weeks we were all invited for the pre-launch of the film and to thank us for our participation by Njoy.

Your liquid is called "Sacré Cœur", which refers to your hometown of Paris, did you choose the name "Sacré Cœur" yourself?

So it was I who chose the name for this liquid because it is really and traditionally inspired by French pastry with a little twist. I wanted a Parisian touch, after to be completely transparent, Njoy had given me no guarantee that that would be the name that would be used. But in the end, they liked it.

Can you describe your liquid?

So it is a liquid which has a slightly macaroon base so we are on fresh almond powder, it is quite discussed we will say, with a lot of fruits above, especially gariguette strawberries and rhubarb , therefore these are fruits which remain quite delicate. And then other small touches that I reserve for tasting, there is vanilla etc ... It's really traditional in what we usually find in France even if rhubarb is not yet widely used but the goal was to do something a little simpler than what is usually done with the Vaponaute brand.

We know that the range comes out at the end of November in the United States, a date for France?

I am not at all responsible for it, I do not take care of the marketing of the product so I cannot answer you.

How was your first trip to the United States?

The first time we went in May with Léopold, we had taken a week to go. We went to Los Angeles and San Francisco, and we had pre-selected a very specific number of stores. In France, we do not do sales canvassing and we are very selective in terms of distribution. We select the stores that contact us and we wanted more or less the same in the United States, ie target ten stores that seemed ideal to us. So what happened is that we met several, we had several proposals for shops, we were lucky, because in the USA there are about four thousand brands of e-liquids. We contacted the shops but they weren't responding so that's why we went straight there. We realized when we arrived in the shops that there was a very good reception in the end, it was pleasant, we had several proposals for exclusive distributions and we decided to move towards Vaperev. There was a very good discussion and we appreciated the way he selected the manufacturers. We had already worked with them on the "Small Fat" and now on our e-liquids.

What do Americans think of your e-liquids, do they like them?

Well if they didn't find them good, I don't think we would have this kind of proposal. No, on the contrary they are very popular because they are very different from what we find in the American market, that is why they do not like only the United States. We managed to prove to them that we can make liquids by really highlighting the original ingredients, with a natural taste. We make a mixture of natural and artificial flavors, but it doesn't matter because basically for the melon, we have a real melon taste, not a candy melon. We are going to be very, very close to the original taste, and as in French gastronomic culture, especially in terms of desserts, we will not try to use buttered flavors to butter or sugar to sweeten, on the contrary when we talk about the France the goal is to express oneself as best as possible by using spices and aromas and to sublimate the fruit or the chocolate. We're not going to make a chocolate cake that's going to be super sweet, but we're going to prefer the bitter chocolate side. And it is more popular abroad because it is far from what we find there. There are a lot of things in the United States, they are very creative and do things very, very well, but we are still much less sweet and buttery than Americans and people who like to have fun in terms of dinner and drinks like. our e-liquids.

So the United States loves your liquids!

We hope so, for the moment what we have had as an echo, on the part of the shops that we have contacted, has been done with great enthusiasm once they had tasted our e-liquids. So we hope that the public continues to have the same answer, but for several months now we have seen on our site a lot more foreigners, especially Americans.

One last question, a new liquid by Vaponaute coming soon?

So at the beginning of 2015, there should normally be a new range, of four or five liquids. We are in the process of finalizing at the moment. We take a lot of time before releasing something precisely because we don't want to rush and it's a lot of development work. It will be the same know-how, the same quality of aromas with slightly less complex flavors, with some essences that we use in Vaponaute liquids and others that we will not use in this new collection. In fact, the goal is to make the aromas a bit lighter, still with complexity and a little unexpected, but all the same with less reading levels than what we are currently doing to be a range. transition for people going from a basic liquid wanting to switch to something a little more complex to hopefully switch to the current Vaponaute range.

Thanks to Anne-Claire de Vaponaute for this interview.

Vaponaute Paris:

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About the Author

Co-founder of in 2014, I am since editor and official photographer. I am passionate about vape but also comics and video games.