LAW HEALTH: The chopper falls for the vape.

LAW HEALTH: The chopper falls for the vape.

It was during this stormy period in France that the health law decided to make a comeback and it was no great surprise that the ax fell. The National Assembly therefore adopted article 5 sexies of the health bill at second reading while rejecting all the amendments presented.



If a hope still existed until then, it is the worst context which took place yesterday in the national assembly. From 20 May 2016, advertising, propaganda, sponsorship and sponsorship will be banned for the e-cigarette. The amendments tabled on this article which could possibly limit the breakage by opposing the ban on e-cigarette advertising were all either withdrawn or rejected. At the same time, the neutral package was adopted without reservation by the national assembly, which suggests stormy relations with tobacconists.



If the tobacco companies are going to look gray with the adoption of the neutral package, there is clearly no need to worry about them. On the one hand, manufacturers intend to obtain compensation for expropriation cumulative amount of 20 billion euros. A figure calculated on the basis of a study carried out by the BNP on behalf of the British government, which also provides for the introduction of the generic package. In addition, the arrival of the transposition of the tobacco directive and the ban on advertising for e-cigarettes greatly open the doors to tobacco companies who will be able to quietly establish themselves as “sole” masters on the vaping market.

run away


What more can we say ... It has been months and months that the various vape media have been trying to mobilize vapers to defend themselves against these unjust decisions, now it is too late. What will become of blogs, forums and other social networks of the vape? Well if it is still too early to assert anything, we now know that from May 20, 2016 our projects will be illegal and could be severely sanctioned. Obviously these decisions will also have an impact on the e-cigarette shops that we risk seeing close one by one at the end of the year. For others, the struggle continues, underground economy, black market and clandestine groups, here is the sad fate that has been reserved for vapers.



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About the Author

Editor and correspondent Switzerland. Vapoteuse for many years, I take care mainly of Swiss news.