LUXEMBOURG: The Cancer Foundation deplores a number of smokers who do not fall!

LUXEMBOURG: The Cancer Foundation deplores a number of smokers who do not fall!

In Luxembourg, the Cancer Foundation deplores a stagnation in the number of smokers. Reason why according to them «a significant increase in prices is necessary».


According to a survey TNS-Ilres carried out among 4 people aged 225 and over, the number of smokers increased slightly in Luxembourg between 15 and 2016, reaching 2017%. This is one point more than the previous year.

While it is difficult to draw conclusions about such a variation, the Cancer Foundation regrets a real stagnation for five years. The study found the same percentage of smokers in 2013, 2014 and 2015.

However, different trends appear in the details of the survey. First, there are fewer young smokers than the previous year. 22% of 18-24 year olds smoked in 2017, compared to 26% in 2016. “Good newsFor the Cancer Foundation, which nevertheless deplores the fact that smokers outnumber smokers at this age (24% vs. 21%).

The elderly of 25 to 34 years remain the most numerous to consume tobacco (27%). "This is when you start a family. Children infants are then the involuntary witnesses of this model"Says the Cancer Foundation.

Among the positive developments, 55% of smokers wish to quit smoking. A desire which is most often accompanied by a reduction in consumption, since half of the smokers questioned consume less than ten cigarettes per day. "But the number of years of smoking has more impact on health than the amount smoked", Says the Cancer Foundation.

An increase in cigarette prices in Luxembourg could have an effect not only on the Luxembourg population but also on the neighboring countries which are mass-sourcing locally.

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Having a training in communication specialist, I take care on the one hand social networks Vapelier OLF but I am also editor for