NEW ZEALAND: AVCA is launching a program to help smokers.

NEW ZEALAND: AVCA is launching a program to help smokers.

In New Zealand, the “Aotearoa Vape Community Advocacy” group has launched the “Vape It Forward” program which aims to help people stop smoking.

INZ-dyingforasmoke-300The defense group Aotearoa Vape Community Advocacy "Is pleased to announce that its program" Vape It Forward »Is increasingly successful for the people of Aotearoa.

As the program gets an increasingly important success rate, Vape It Forward helps provide e-cigarette kit starters to people who want to quit smoking.

For Mandi Coles who helps set up the program: "There are a large number of New Zealanders who want to stop smoking, many have tried unsuccessfully with drugs and alternative therapies. But with e-cigarettes we offer a real alternative to these smokers. »

In the community Vape It Forward“, There are currently 160 e-cigarette users who are trying to quit smoking.13427953_10207456643709117_1851462969917416124_n

According to Mandi Coles: “Help from online mentors helps to provide direct support and advice to users, it also helps to explain the best way to use these e-cigarettes. Currently, we have an 80% success rate for smokers' choice to transition to e-cigarettes "

This program " Vape It Forward Is expected to grow in the coming months with the participation of New Zealand stores and fundraisers.

Find the program « Vape It Forward " on their official facebook group.

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Editor and correspondent Switzerland. Vapoteuse for many years, I take care mainly of Swiss news.