HEALTH: World No Tobacco Day… but still vape-free!

HEALTH: World No Tobacco Day… but still vape-free!

Every year, the event comes back and makes a lot of noise in the media. Radios, televisions, press, impossible not to hear about the… World No Tobacco Day organized by theWorld Health Organization (WHO). However, once again, the vape, the most effective risk reduction device still has no place.


This year, the WHO is proposing a new theme for its campaign " World No Tobacco Day“It's about the environmental challenge. For our part, we will not make tons of it! This Tuesday, May 31, is therefore an opportunity for smokers who are thinking of quitting smoking, to test their willpower over at least one day. However, in 2022, it is more a question of the risks of the famous "Puff" on youth than of the real and proven usefulness of vaping as a risk reduction device.

Fortunately, some voices today recalled the importance of vaping in smoking cessation:

  • For the doctor Helene Defay-Goetz, addiction psychiatrist at the Rouvray hospital center in Sotteville-lès-Rouen: Yes, the puff seduces young people, indeed, but the vape, too, seduced a young audience, not necessarily for long. In my opinion, it's a fad. What is most worrying today is still the combustion, the burnt smoke of cigarettes which will, beyond the nicotine, cause much, much physical damage. « 

  • Dhaker Lahidheb, cardiologist and former professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis declared that the vape constitutes a risk reduction tool and can be used as a smoking cessation aid for smokers wishing to quit »

  • Professor Francis Raphael, doctor and tobacco specialist, creator in 2005 of the Lorraine Stop Tobacco Network says « I only think well of the vape when it is a dedicated means for quitting smoking.«  adding « Do not deter a smoker who has tried to quit using traditional means and who is new to vaping. We have significant results.« 

  • Ralf Wittenberg, President and CEO Imperial Tobacco Canada states: " The bad news is that misinformation about the products of vaping is real, and that it impairs the ability of these products to achieve their full public health potential.« 

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Having a training in communication specialist, I take care on the one hand social networks Vapelier OLF but I am also editor for