HEALTH: ENT doctor gives advice on electronic cigarette
HEALTH: ENT doctor gives advice on electronic cigarette

HEALTH: ENT doctor gives advice on electronic cigarette

It is our colleagues from the site " JIM Who interviewed Dr. Jean-Michel Klein about e-cigarettes. Several interesting questions to which the ENT doctor answered without any detours!


Presented in the beginning as a panacea for smoking cessation, the electronic cigarette has found itself, these last months, behind a screen of smoke. Thus the contradictory studies follow each other and are not alike to affirm sometimes the safety of these devices sometimes its harmfulness.

To summarize the current knowledge and determine whether it is reasonable to recommend the e-cigarette to smoking patients, as is done in other countries, JIM addressed Dr. Jean-Michel Klein, ENT doctor in Paris and former president and current first vice-president of the SNORL (National Union of Specialists in ENT Physicians and Head and Neck Surgery).

Many questions are addressed in the JIM interview :

- What does the literature say about the effects of electronic cigarettes on health?
- What data on toxic substances present in e-liquids? 
- Electronic cigarette: entrust production to labs and marketing to pharmacies? 
- Electronic cigarette: a gateway to smoking? 
- Are you in favor of banning vaping in public places?
- What to say to patients who use e-cigarettes? 
- Electronic cigarette: a tool for smoking cessation? 

For the Dr. Jean-Michel Klein : " The literature says a lot of things ... and few things in fact, there is no proof because the principle is recent". According to him " There is surely an irritation or a small inflammation of the gums but there is no other information"

In his area of ​​competence he states: " Regarding the ENT sphere, there is necessarily an irritant factor for the mucous membranes. This can cause more frequent rhinitis or even repetitive sinusitis."

According to him " The risk of cancer will be known in the longer term, for the moment there is nothing demonstrated just apprehensions. »

Regarding e-liquids, Dr Klein thinks that there should be better supervision: " When we frequent e-liquid shops a little, we realize that there is a bit of everything and its opposite". Yet he is clearly not for the sale of vaping products in pharmacies: " The e-cigarette has a somewhat popular side that takes away from the pharmacy. If we supervise too much, we will fall back on people who will say that they are not sick »

Rather positive on the subject, he gives his opinion on the link vaping / smoking: " I am not convinced that e-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking for teenagers". According to him, it is even " excessive for banning vaping in public places"

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Having a training in communication specialist, I take care on the one hand social networks Vapelier OLF but I am also editor for