STUDY: Belgium would be a “good student” in the fight against tobacco!

STUDY: Belgium would be a “good student” in the fight against tobacco!

It would almost be hard to believe it! According to a European comparative study published on Monday by The Economist Intelligence Unit and MSD laboratory, Belgium is a good student in its fight against tobacco. However, the e-cigarette, which is a real way to quit smoking, is in great pain because of tough regulations. 


Belgium does not have to be ashamed of its policies on lung cancer, according to a European comparative study published on Monday by The Economist Intelligence Unit and MSD laboratory. The kingdom is above all a good student in its fight against tobacco, but can improve, among other things, in psychological support to patients, according to the results. This cancer is still the second most frequent in Belgium, behind that of the breast, and causes the death of 2 people per year.

The study compared the lung cancer policies of 13 European countries to “ share best practices and make recommendations to improve results". It shows that Belgium, despite a higher death rate than the European average for this type of cancer, can welcome many measures. On the front line: its anti-smoking prevention, while 85% of lung cancers are attributed to it, with the existence of programs and an anti-smoking agency, an advertising ban and a prevention campaign on cigarette packs. 


However, Belgium could probably do better by adding a little flexibility in its regulations on e-cigarettes. Considered as a tobacco product, this alternative which includes a significant risk reduction is now very severely restricted. Indeed, it is good to remember that it is the same rules, such as the ban on smoking in public spaces or that of buying tobacco before the age of 16 that apply to e-cigarettes. Could a liberalization of the sale of e-cigarettes bring better results to Belgium in its fight against cancer? Probably yes!


The comparison also highlights that in Belgium patient associations are generally well integrated in the development of recommendations and policies and that access to molecular analyzes and the latest cutting-edge treatments are facilitated and reimbursed. 

Where the shoe pinches is in the psychological monitoring of patients. " The psychological shock experienced is generally akin to a real trauma" , valued Alan Lovell, responsible for the study. However, although this is mentioned in the national plan to fight cancer, there is no systematization of care. 

The comparative study also points to the absence of a screening program. A real black spot since we know that " the later cancer is detected, the less likely it is to survive

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Having a training in communication specialist, I take care on the one hand social networks Vapelier OLF but I am also editor for