Tobacco: Public health at war to defend freedom!

Tobacco: Public health at war to defend freedom!

No slavery is not a freedom for the slave. Not selling tobacco to teens using all the tricks of marketing is not a freedom for those who are infected and will suffer for life from a recurrent chronic disease described by the WHO under the name of  smoking dependence. This disease, confirmed by new medical imaging tools, is linked to the multiplication of nicotinic receptors which will take control of the functioning of the brain. This disease leads its victims to pay 7 euros day after day to their tobacconist to accelerate the aging of their body and dig their grave: 200 dead per day, 78000 per year, a tobacco-related female mortality increased by 650% these last 15 years !

professor dauntzenbergMany documents from the tobacco industry prove that addiction is not an accident but a programmed goal. Thus an 1973 document prepared for the launch of a new cigarette brand aimed at under-age 21 mentions how to advance qualified teenagers to "pre-SmokingTo the status of "smoker apprentices" then "smokingWith different strategies for each stage of initiation explaining to non-smokers that smoking is a freedom, focusing on packaging for apprentices smokers and nicotine for smokers.

One-third of French people infected with tobacco addiction would like to quit smoking, but they have the greatest difficulty because they have lost the freedom to be non-smokers.Dautzenbergsmoking. In addition, they are driven into their dependence by too many policies subject to tobacco lobbies. According to the latest Eurobarometer 2015, France ranks behind the European Union with Greece, Bulgaria and Croatia, which together with our country have the highest rate of smokers. The recent Senate vote in late summer 2015 where more than 90% of senators did not support the smoking reduction plan is a disgrace for the Senate. This plan reinforces the control and constraints on those who produce and sell tobacco, in particular to the youngest, but does not impose any constraint on smokers, except not to smoke children, which the vast majority of them already do. Only 16 senators defended the honor of the senate by refusing to obey the lobbies: 10 environmentalists resisted pressure from lobbies and 6 socialists who supported their minister.

In 2006, despite the vociferations and threats of the tobacco industry, the end of the tobacco pollution in the premises has reduced more than 80% of the pollution by fine particles of the premises for collective use, thus offering freedom to everyone to breathe a purer air. This "ban" is clearly overwhelmingly experienced retrospectively as "freedom" by the French.



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