TOBACCO: Philip Morris accused of questionable practices in Africa

TOBACCO: Philip Morris accused of questionable practices in Africa

After the "Dieselgate", Africa is experiencing a new scandal linked, this time, to the tobacco industry. Indeed, cigarettes sold in Senegal and Africa by the Swiss tobacco company Philip Morris would be more toxic than those sold in Europe.


Philip Morris would have lied about the rate of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide contained in cigarettes sold in Africa. The scandal is unveiled by the NGO "Public Eye" through a large survey called " Swiss cigarettes are a hit in Africa ».

Resumed by Libération, the investigation shows that just for nicotine, Camel sold in Africa contain 1,28 milligrams per cigarette against 0,7 milligrams for those marketed in Switzerland, according to the results of the Institute of Health and Work (IST), against just 0.75 milligrams for Camel Filters sold in Switzerland. For carbon monoxide, which has the effect of reducing the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood, the values ​​are also very different (9.62 milligram per cigarette against 5.45 milligram in Switzerland).


Our Company Philip Morris Manufacturing Senegal, affiliated with Philip Morris International (PMI), ensures that it complies with applicable laws and regulations.

« Here we express PMI's clear desire to respect the laws and regulations that apply in all intelligence with the state authorities of Senegal ", Writes the firm in a statement sent to the APS, '' following the articles published in print and online dated 23 January 2019 ''.

In the PMI text stresses that she " strives in all countries where it has activities to scrupulously respect the laws and regulations in force ". " As a result, we are committed to effective, enforceable legislation that protects minors and non-smokers According to officials.

They assure that all products manufactured by PMI meet the regulatory requirements applicable in Senegal ».

« This is evidenced by the various production and marketing authorizations obtained after strict control by the supervisory authorities , Write PMI officials who add: " Our manufacturing processes meet international quality standards including the ISO9001 standard for which we are certified ».

« Here we express PMI's clear desire to respect the laws and regulations that apply in all intelligence with the state authorities of Senegal "They say.

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About the Author

Having a training in communication specialist, I take care on the one hand social networks Vapelier OLF but I am also editor for