TOBACCO: Cancer risks even with less than 10 cigarettes a day.

TOBACCO: Cancer risks even with less than 10 cigarettes a day.

The "little" smokers have to worry about. Popular wisdom says there is no safe threshold with tobacco. A study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine confirms it.


This study appeared in the JAMA Internal Medicine shows that even below 10 cigarettes a day, consumers are at higher risk of death. In particular, lung cancer is much more common in this population.

290 Americans between the ages of 000 and 59 participated in this work. Several questionnaires were sent to them. One of them was about current and past smoking. The researchers wanted to know how many cigarettes were consumed per day and for how long. Many people who have repented of tobacco: 82% of these volunteers had quit smoking. Only 54% were smokers at the time of the study.

The authors have focused on a particular phenomenon, that of small smokers. In the public arena, low tobacco use is considered low risk for associated diseases. This is particularly the case for young people. An idea, well understood, false, as recalled in this publication. Even below 10 cigarettes a day in their lives, smokers are at greater risk of dying than those who have never smoked.

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Even at a very low level, namely one cigarette per day, consumers are 64% more exposed to premature death from all causes. The results are even less reassuring when the pathologies associated with tobacco are analyzed one by one. The likelihood of developing lung cancer is increased ninefold with a “light” consumption. Respiratory diseases are also six times more present in this population.

Each year, 5 million deaths are attributed to smoking. But former smokers clearly benefit from their cessation: the risk gradually decreases. The earlier the weaning took place, the more premature mortality returned to normal.

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Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.