DOSSIER: Smoking or vaping? Do not be wrong with the plague!

DOSSIER: Smoking or vaping? Do not be wrong with the plague!

Le precautionary principle ! In this case, we have decided to make a comparison between electronic cigarettes and tobacco. For years, governments and public authorities have struggled to vote in favor of vaping and to accept the abuses of a scourge that has lasted too long: smoking.


Have you heard of e-cigarette deaths? No ? Well this is not surprising because there is none recorded in France. On the other hand, even if we do not have the statistics for 2014 or 2015, those for 2010 announced the death of 78000 people due to tobacco, a conclusion that clearly shivers down your spine. 80 000 dead? This is the number of victims in Mexico after 9 years of drug cartel wars. 80 000 dead? This is the equivalent of 10 earthquakes in Nepal in terms of victims. 80 000 dead?

It is almost 20 times more than the number of deaths on the road in France in 2014. All these figures are not present to minimize these disasters but on the contrary to remind that the number of people missing because of tobacco should not be taken lightly. If we are able to bring, to give millions to Nepal, to increase controls and prevention on the road, we must also be able to promote the e-cigarette which, in addition to not causing victims saves a lot of life.



Since the exceptional progress of the e-cigarette in France, have you seen a news item implicating vaping in a fire? It does not seem to us! On the other hand, cigarettes are indeed a major cause of fires, In the housing sector alone, there were in France a few years ago 6 264 victims including 295 dead and 728 seriously injured. It is estimated that 30% of these fatal fires are caused by cigarettes. To the weight of the human cost of these dramas is added the economic cost for the community. 

Each year, the cost of household fires amounts to around 1,3 billion euros, which is 160% higher than the cost of thefts and 30% more than that caused by water damage. These fires usually occur because people have fallen asleep while their cigarette continues to burn, something that is not likely to be seen with an e-cigarette!



Yes, it is clear that what happened to young Brice with the explosion of his drums is really unfortunate. But if the media were happy to drive the point home by passing off the e-cigarette as a real danger, they quickly forgot to specify that cigarettes cause tens of thousands of burns each year.

Accidental burns to the face, tongue, eyes and arms which are often caused by improper handling. There are also cigarette burns that some people do to express ill-being or those that serve to punish or hurt. In short, once again, we have never seen such things with e-cigarettes and this is another point to be taken into account!



At the environmental level, the e-cigarette does not have a zero impact but it has absolutely no possible relationship with that caused by cigarettes. For our part, we have never seen a bottle of e-liquid by earth or e-cigarettes littering all the sidewalks of our cities. On the other hand, it is estimated that tobacco harms the environment as a whole with a significant contribution to the phenomenon of global warming as well as a direct endangerment of ecosystems. From the cultivation of the tobacco plant, to the chemicals that compose it, to the management of cigarette butts waste through the packaging of cigarettes, the entire life cycle of a cigarette or other product of the tobacco is very damaging to the environment.

A major impact on deforestation and catastrophic pollution, Cigarette filters are made from a kind of plastic that requires up to 12 years to be broken down. The 4,5 billion butts Cigarettes scattered around the world every year kill millions of birds, fish and other animals. Cigarettes are thought to be the main source of waste in the streets, representing between 70 and 90% of all urban waste.

Risk reduction is the main driving force behind the growing interest in e-cigarettes to the detriment of tobacco. For several years, we have known that there is a possibility of fighting against the scourge of smoking, but the public authorities must still accept not to make the wrong enemy.





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About the Author

Editor and correspondent Switzerland. Vapoteuse for many years, I take care mainly of Swiss news.