UNITED KINGDOM: The Royal College of Midwives encourages pregnant smokers to use e-cigarettes!

UNITED KINGDOM: The Royal College of Midwives encourages pregnant smokers to use e-cigarettes!

There are still few studies and advice regarding the use of e-cigarettes in pregnant women. Recently in the UK, the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) stated that pregnant women who smoke should be encouraged to use vaping devices to help them quit smoking.


Although vaping devices contain some toxins, " levels are well below those of taba smokec “, Indicates a new position statement of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). Today, midwives no longer hesitate to promote the e-cigarette as a solution to smoking for pregnant women who smoke.

«If a pregnant woman who smokes chooses to use an electronic cigarette and this helps her to quit and stay smoke-free, she should be encouraged to do so.", did he declare.

Based on the available evidence regarding the safety of e-cigarettes, there was also " no reason to believe that the use of an e-cigarette could have a harmful effect on breastfeeding", Indicates the press release, adding that" the vaping should continue if it can help stop smoking and stay smoke-free ».

"Although e-cigarettes are not totally risk-free, the Royal College of Physicians has estimated that they may represent at most 5% of the risk of smoked tobacco.

« They are not harmless, as the vapors they produce contain toxins, but studies have shown that they are at much lower levels than tobacco smoke“Said RCM.

The Royal College of Midwives believes that there is " good reasons to test the safety and effectiveness of e-cigs as an anti-smoking treatment for pregnant women And that a randomized controlled trial is underway.

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Passionate about journalism, I decided to join the editorial team of Vapoteurs.net in 2017 in order to mainly deal with vape news in North America (Canada, United States).