USA: A cloud of steam invites itself to a congress hearing!

USA: A cloud of steam invites itself to a congress hearing!

Today in the United States, Duncan Hunter, a Californian representative who had ardently proclaimed his love of vaping two months ago, did not hesitate to use his e-cigarette during a congressional hearing spitting out a nice cloud of vapor in the process.

« YES, I vape .. Like millions of other Americans! He said in a letter to Pelosi. " And why am I vaping? Because it keeps me from going back to smoking"
«Vape is a perfectly suitable alternative to cigarettes, and it could very well save my life, as well as the lives of so many Americans who are doing their best to quit smoking. »


This extraordinary scene unfolded as the Transport Committee discussed an amendment to ban vaping on planes. Naturally, Hunter was opposed to the amendment and didn't hesitate to let it be known (see video). As Jason Rabinowitz points out, the amendment was finally adopted. For now, it is therefore forbidden to vape inside an aircraft.


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Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.