Versatile seller - Vapostore electronic cigarette - Divonne les bains - Divonne-les-Bains (01)

Versatile seller - Vapostore electronic cigarette - Divonne les bains - Divonne-les-Bains (01)—Divonne-les-bains/jobs/Vendeur-Polyvalent-939b243970ec234f?q=Cigarettes+Electroniques

are looking for a sales consultant in the field of electronic cigarettes in CDI (35h). Work weekends.
You will take charge of customers (vapers), from reception to collection, including personalized advice.
Looking for a motivated and active candidate.
Experience in the desired sale.
English would be a plus.

Job type: CDI

Language (s) required:

  • English


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About the Author

A real passionate vape for many years, I joined the editorial team from its creation. Today I am mainly involved in journals, tutorials and job offers.