PHILIPPINES: Cov koom haum thov tsoomfwv kom cov neeg haus luam yeeb paub txog vaping.

PHILIPPINES: Cov koom haum thov tsoomfwv kom cov neeg haus luam yeeb paub txog vaping.

Hauv tebchaws Philippines, cov koom haum rau kev tiv thaiv vaping tau hais kom Ministry of Health qhia cov neeg haus luam yeeb txog cov khoom lag luam txo qis, xws li e-luam yeeb, los pab lawv txiav luam yeeb.

ASSOCIATIONS xav kom tsoomfwv coj tus qauv los ntawm United Kingdom

Hu tau los ntawm Lub Vapers Philippines et la Philippine E-Cigarette Industry Association (Pecia), thaum nyob hauv UK Public Health England nyuam qhuav luam tawm qhov hloov tshiab tshiab rau nws tsab ntawv ceeb toom ntawm vaping.

Peter Paul Dator, tus thawj tswj hwm ntawm The Vapers Philippines, tau hais tias Lub Tsev Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv (DoH) Txoj Haujlwm Kev Haus Luam Yeeb tam sim no tab tom muab kev pab tswv yim hauv tsev kho mob thiab kev txhawb nqa xov tooj.

Qee cov kws kho mob hauv zos kuj tau pom zoo kom hloov cov tshuaj nicotine, xws li cov pos hniav nicotine thiab thaj ua rau thaj rau cov neeg mob, nws hais.

«Peb hu rau Lub Tsev Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv thiab cov kws saib xyuas kev noj qab haus huv hauv tebchaws Philippines txhawm rau txheeb xyuas qhov hloov tshiab tshiab los ntawm Public Health England, qhov tseeb UK tau muaj txiaj ntsig zoo hauv kev txo cov neeg laus haus luam yeeb.hais tias Dator.

Peter Paul Dator qhuas lub teb chaws cov neeg saib xyuas kev noj qab haus huv. Raws li nws, tau muaj txoj haujlwm zoo los txhawb kev paub nrog pej xeem txog kev noj qab haus huv cuam tshuam nrog kev haus luam yeeb.

« Hmoov tsis zoo, lawv cov kev siv zog nres ntawd. Txhawm rau kom muaj kev cuam tshuam tiag tiag ntawm kev txo qis kev phom sij ntawm kev haus luam yeeb, pej xeem yuav tsum tau ceeb toom txog cov khoom siv hloov pauv uas tuaj yeem pab cov neeg haus luam yeeb txiav luam yeeb. »

Kev txiav luam yeeb yog qhov nyuaj rau ntau tus neeg. Thawj Tswj Hwm Pecia, Joey Dulay, ceeb toom tias yog 16 lab tus neeg haus luam yeeb hauv Philippines tsis txiav, lawv yuav mob thiab tuag ntxov.

« Lawv yuav tsum raug txhawb kom hloov mus rau cov khoom tsis zoo xws li e-luam yeeb. Nws yuav yog qhov xwm txheej loj heev yog tias Lub Tsev Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv txuas ntxiv tsis lees paub vaping yam tsis tau tshuaj xyuas cov pov thawj tshiab. Nws hais tias.

Joey Dulay tau hu rau DOH kom xav txog Public Health England qhov tseeb vaping hloov tshiab. Nws tau hais tias cov kev tshuaj xyuas los ntawm ib lub koom haum tswj hwm kev tswj hwm ntawm UK Lub Tsev Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv tau ua ntau yam zoo li tsoomfwv UK txoj cai ntawm lub luag haujlwm ntawm e-luam yeeb hauv kev tswj hwm kev haus luam yeeb.


Com Hauv qab
Com Hauv qab
Com Hauv qab
Com Hauv qab

Txog ntawm Tus Sau

Editor-in-chief ntawm, qhov chaw siv rau vaping xov xwm. Kev cog lus rau lub ntiaj teb ntawm vaping txij li xyoo 2014, kuv ua haujlwm txhua hnub los xyuas kom meej tias txhua tus vapers thiab cov neeg haus luam yeeb raug ceeb toom.