ESWITZERLAND: Umthetho kagwayi unobuthi

ESWITZERLAND: Umthetho kagwayi unobuthi

Ukubhema kusho izisulu eziningi eSwitzerland futhi abaningi ababhemayo bazama ukuqeda ukulutheka kwabo. Nge UJean-Francois Etter, uprofesa wezempilo yomphakathi e-Faculty of Medicine yase-University of Geneva umthetho waseSwitzerland ophathelene nogwayi unobuthi kwababhemayo, ikakhulukazi ngenxa yokwenqatshelwa kwendawo yawo yokuthengiswa kukagwayi we-electronic one-nicotine.

Ingcaphuno evela esihlokweni esithi U-Anne Baecher isakazwe ngoLwesithathu, February 10, 2016 ngo “ I-CQFD".

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Mayelana Nombhali

Umhleli kanye nentatheli yaseSwitzerland. Vaper iminyaka eminingi, ngibhekana kakhulu nezindaba zaseSwitzerland.