Vaping among seniors: a healthy alternative to tobacco

Vaping among seniors: a healthy alternative to tobacco

Public debates and health policies often focus on vaping among young people, neglecting other demographics, including older adults. Yet many seniors have embraced e-cigarettes after decades of smoking, finding them a less harmful alternative.

Adoption of vaping among seniors

Although vaping rates are lower among older adults than younger adults, a significant proportion of seniors use e-cigarettes. In the US, about 1% of people over 50 vape daily. In the UK, this figure rises to 5,8% among those over 55. This represents over a million senior vapers in both countries.

Testimonials from senior vapers

Alan Beard, 71, started smoking at the age of 15, and spent 40 years smoking 45 cigarettes a day. In 2013, he discovered an online forum about vaping and decided to give it a try. After acquiring some simple e-cigarettes and e-liquids, he never touched tobacco again. Despite living in a quiet part of Wales, he quickly noticed a backlash to his quitting method, with some believing he had quit smoking the “wrong way”. He criticises the inaccurate statements of some officials and says that if e-cigarettes had been around when he was growing up, he would have preferred them to smoking.

Darcy Mackenzie, 67, a grandmother of six in Ontario, Canada, started smoking at age 13. After multiple failed attempts to quit, she discovered vaping in 2014 with her son and friends. She has not smoked a traditional cigarette since. She particularly enjoys flavours like strawberry ice cream and has gradually reduced her nicotine levels. Knowing that young people are prone to experimenting, she prefers that her grandchildren turn to vaping, which she considers less harmful than tobacco.

Benefits of Vaping for Seniors

It’s never too late to quit smoking. At any age, quitting or cutting down on smoking reduces the risk of cancer and other diseases. Switching to less harmful nicotine products, such as e-cigarettes, offers significant benefits. In addition, vaping reduces the risk of fire, which is crucial for older people who are less mobile or have age-related cognitive impairment. In the UK, firefighters are encouraging the switch to vaping for this reason.


While youth vaping has garnered considerable media and policy attention, it is critical to recognize and support older adults who are adopting e-cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco. Their stories illustrate the potential benefits of vaping to improve the health and quality of life of older adults.

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About the Author

Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.