STUDY: Vapers are much less exposed to toxic and carcinogenic products than smokers.

STUDY: Vapers are much less exposed to toxic and carcinogenic products than smokers.

Here is a good proof that the electronic cigarette continues to make its small revolution. In the United Kingdom, researchers from the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health University College London have just published in the journal " Annals of Internal Medicine A study that proves that levels of toxic and carcinogenic substances found in vapers are much lower than those of cigarette smokers.


No studies have yet compared the long-term effects of e-cigarettes and tobacco on the body. It is done, with the results that researchers from the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London (UK) have just published in the journal " Annals of Internal Medicine ".

These show, among former smokers switched to the electronic cigarette, a significant decrease in the concentration of toxic products in the body, compared to the concentrations found in smokers. A benefit that, according to the study, is lost when the electronic cigarette is associated with a consumption of conventional cigarettes. So far, only two cell line studies and one animal study have measured toxic drug concentrations of e-liquids and vapor.

Nitrosamines, acrylonitrile, acrolein, acrylamide, ethylene oxide… Scientists looked for the presence of the main toxic substances of tobacco in urine and saliva samples of 181 participants, smokers (five cigarettes or more per day) or former smokers for at least six months. These people were divided into five equal groups: cigarette smokers, smokers also using nicotine substitutes (patches, chewing gum), those consuming both conventional and electronic cigarettes, users of nicotine substitutes who no longer smoke and finally, the exclusive vapers.


First result: the amount of nicotine is about the same for all participants, regardless of the means of delivery used. The most dramatic difference is especially the level of tobacco-specific nitrosamines, carcinogenic substances involved in lung cancer: they are reduced by 97% in exclusive vapers compared to smokers.

« It may seem surprising to find these highly carcinogenic substances in electronic cigarette users ”, note the Professor Bertrand Dautzenberg, pulmonologist at the Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital (AP-HP, Paris). "In fact, pure nicotine does not exist, since when extracted from tobacco, nitrosamines are taken with. This explains why it is found in small quantities in liquids for electronic cigarette containing nicotine, he continues. The Afnor Standard (April 2015) for Electronic Cigarettes and Their Liquids Encourages E-Liquid Manufacturers to Choose Nicotine With As Little As Possible Impurities. "

For certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), concentrations much lower than those obtained in smokers were found in vapers and in ex-smokers using nicotine substitutes. "These molecules are not specific to tobaccosays Bertrand Dautzenberg. Thus, we find acrylonitrile, an irritating VOC classified probable carcinogen for humans, in the textile industry or in the manufacture of toxic materials. 1,3-butadiene is a proven carcinogen that emanates from the combustion of organic materials such as oil, coal and gas, says the pulmonologist. Finally, these volatile organic compounds are never totally absent from our organisms.»

According to Professor Dautzenberg, "these first results obtained in a real situation only confirm the very strongly anticipated facts " : the e-cigarette is not a panacea, but remains a lesser evil. These new data push the authors to take a stand. "The switch to e-cigarettes, with total cessation of smoking, could bring a significant benefit to the health of smokers, since it reduces exposure to toxic and carcinogenic agents of tobacco.They stress.

«On the other hand, the use of this device does not make it possible to eliminate the exposure (and therefore the possible risks for health). A complete stop of all nicotine products remains the best option to avoid danger". The researchers, aware of the limitations of their study, especially because of the small number of participants, hope that others will follow.

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Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.