LAW: Ban on puffs, towards a circumvention of the law?

LAW: Ban on puffs, towards a circumvention of the law?

A few days ago, the National Assembly voted overwhelmingly to ban the “puff” (disposable electronic cigarette). The text will now be examined by the Senate. News that delights the National Committee Against Tobacco (CNCT) but which is already making people cringe in the world of vaping.


Is the end of puffs and other disposable e-cigarettes on the French market soon? Last Monday, MPs voted overwhelmingly for the ban of this disposable electronic cigarette very popular with young people. The text, carried by the ecologist Francesca Pasquini and the macronist Michael Lauzzana, was unanimous in the ranks of the National Assembly.

« This bill aims to ban electronic vaping devices as long as they are single-use. By specifically targeting single-use vaping devices, this bill intends to ban so-called disposable electronic cigarettes, which are an aberration both from the point of view of public health and that of the environmental footprint of these devices. », Details the bill. Next stop: the Senate in order to definitively validate the ban. The puff's months are now numbered and its disappearance could be recorded by summer.

To justify this decision, the text recalls that “ to the extent that vaping products […] remain authorized, the sale of single-use electronic vaping devices does not appear necessary for the policy to combat smoking. Moreover, these measures can even have a deleterious effect on tobacco control policy. ". This disposable electronic cigarette is also in the sights of other European countries since Germany also calls for its ban.

However, it is difficult to declare “victory” too quickly for the detractors of vaping. Indeed in a press release released this December 5, 2023, the National Committee Against Tobacco (CNCT), if he is delighted with this vote, “ draws attention, however, to the risks of circumvention of this ban by manufacturers. Indeed, the latter have already anticipated this proposed law by marketing new generations of disposable electronic cigarettes, which the text of the law does not include in its current version. ". In particular, new disposable electronic cigarettes that are rechargeable a limited number of times, or even disposable electronic cigarettes with cartridges, are falling by the wayside. The CNCT therefore proposed an amendment to the Senate so that all these disposable devices are included in the bill.

We are therefore far from having finished hearing about the “puff” phenomenon, obviously hoping that all this does not end with a total and definitive ban on vaping in France. 


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Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.