While the market for CBD (cannadibiol) is opening up more and more in French-speaking territories, many thorny questions still arise. Can you drive after consuming CBD ? A priori nothing opposes that.
If the consumption of CBD is legal in France, it remains framed in a way with certain particularities. As a reminder, the cannabidiol (or CBD) is a derivative of the hemp plant that contains very little THC. CBD is widely used to treat chronic pain and anxiety due to its relaxing effect.
If the product still has an uncertain legal future, it is currently authorized in the country. Until December 31, it was deemed fit for consumption if it contained less than 0,2% THC. A stop which came into force on January 1, 2022 authorized the sale and export of CBD containing less than 0,3% THC, but prohibited its consumption in the form of leaves and flowers. This same decree was suspended by the Board of state.
As Cannabidiol is a non-detectable product, consuming it on the street is no problem. he is also able to drive after consuming CBD. In practice, there is no legal problem if the THC used in your product was present at less than 0,3% in cannabidiol. However, the relaxing effects of CBD can be accompanied by drowsiness and loss of attention. It is therefore advisable to avoid driving after having consumed it to avoid any risk.
Finally, be careful about the product you buy! In case of false THC levels, you risk being tested positive in a saliva test and you could be fined up to 4 500 euros, as well as two years in prison.