Despite bans, 81% of vaping products are delivered via USPS, making it easier for consumers to access ...
Shocking Study: 81% of Illegal Vape Deliveries in California Go Through USPS
Shocking Study: 81% of Illegal Vape Deliveries in California Go Through USPS
Two New Bills to Strengthen California's Flavored Tobacco Ban
Two New Bills to Strengthen California's Flavored Tobacco Ban
UNITED STATES: Legal problem… Juul releases $ 40 million to cover up the case.
UNITED STATES: Legal problem… Juul releases $ 40 million to cover up the case.
UNITED STATES: New York State sues Juul Labs for "deceptive marketing"
UNITED STATES: New York State sues Juul Labs for "deceptive marketing"
UNUSUAL: After the theft of an e-cigarette, she tries to escape by Uber ...
UNUSUAL: After the theft of an e-cigarette, she tries to escape by Uber ...
UNITED STATES: A bill to ban flavored vape rejected in California!
UNITED STATES: A bill to ban flavored vape rejected in California!
UNITED STATES: E-cigarette could cause heart damage, study finds
UNITED STATES: E-cigarette could cause heart damage, study finds
UNITED STATES: Soon a study of the use of CBD e-liquids for autism?
UNITED STATES: Soon a study of the use of CBD e-liquids for autism?
UNITED STATES: The city of Oakland bans vaping as of 2018.
UNITED STATES: The city of Oakland bans vaping as of 2018.
TECHNOLOGY: Is the giant Apple preparing a new generation of electronic cigarettes?
TECHNOLOGY: Is the giant Apple preparing a new generation of electronic cigarettes?
UNITED STATES: Duncan Hunter calls on Trump to repeal e-cigarette regulations
UNITED STATES: Duncan Hunter calls on Trump to repeal e-cigarette regulations
UNITED STATES: A mandatory fee to sell e-cigarettes in California.
UNITED STATES: A mandatory fee to sell e-cigarettes in California.