Vuse, market leader, obtains authorization for its tobacco vapes. ...
FDA Finally Authorizes Vuse Tobacco Flavor Vapes
FDA Finally Authorizes Vuse Tobacco Flavor Vapes
New York State at war against flavors calls on vapers
New York State at war against flavors calls on vapers
CANADA: A youth who are very enthusiastic about vaping!
CANADA: A youth who are very enthusiastic about vaping!
SWITZERLAND: Canton of Jura wants to ban e-cigarettes for minors
SWITZERLAND: Canton of Jura wants to ban e-cigarettes for minors
CANADA: Young people are mobilizing against the "dangers" of vaping.
CANADA: Young people are mobilizing against the "dangers" of vaping.
CANADA: AQV tries to defend vaping by challenging tobacco law in court
CANADA: AQV tries to defend vaping by challenging tobacco law in court
CANADA: Web starlets to dissuade young people from using e-cigarettes.
CANADA: Web starlets to dissuade young people from using e-cigarettes.